更新和回滚 DaemonSet

如果添加了新节点或修改了节点标签(Label),DaemonSet 将立刻向新匹配上的节点添加 Pod,同时删除不能匹配的节点上的 Pod。

DaemonSet 更新策略和 StatefulSet 类似,也有 OnDelete RollingUpdate 两种方式。

  1. 查看 DaemonSet 更新方式:

    $ kubectl get ds fluentd-elasticsearch -n kube-system -o go-template='{{.spec.updateStrategy.type}}{{"\n"}}'
  2. 更新镜像

    $ kubectl set image ds fluentd-elasticsearch fluentd-elasticsearch=quay.io/fluentd_elasticsearch/fluentd:v4.3 -n kube-system        
    daemonset.apps/fluentd-elasticsearch image updated
  3. 查看更新过程

    $ kubectl rollout status ds fluentd-elasticsearch -n kube-system
    Waiting for daemon set "fluentd-elasticsearch" rollout to finish: 1 out of 5 new pods have been updated...
    Waiting for daemon set "fluentd-elasticsearch" rollout to finish: 1 out of 5 new pods have been updated...
    Waiting for daemon set "fluentd-elasticsearch" rollout to finish: 1 out of 5 new pods have been updated...
    Waiting for daemon set "fluentd-elasticsearch" rollout to finish: 2 out of 5 new pods have been updated...
    Waiting for daemon set "fluentd-elasticsearch" rollout to finish: 2 out of 5 new pods have been updated...
    Waiting for daemon set "fluentd-elasticsearch" rollout to finish: 2 out of 5 new pods have been updated...
    Waiting for daemon set "fluentd-elasticsearch" rollout to finish: 2 out of 5 new pods have been updated...
    Waiting for daemon set "fluentd-elasticsearch" rollout to finish: 3 out of 5 new pods have been updated...
    Waiting for daemon set "fluentd-elasticsearch" rollout to finish: 3 out of 5 new pods have been updated...
    Waiting for daemon set "fluentd-elasticsearch" rollout to finish: 3 out of 5 new pods have been updated...
    Waiting for daemon set "fluentd-elasticsearch" rollout to finish: 4 out of 5 new pods have been updated...
    Waiting for daemon set "fluentd-elasticsearch" rollout to finish: 4 out of 5 new pods have been updated...
    Waiting for daemon set "fluentd-elasticsearch" rollout to finish: 4 out of 5 new pods have been updated...
    Waiting for daemon set "fluentd-elasticsearch" rollout to finish: 4 out of 5 new pods have been updated...
    Waiting for daemon set "fluentd-elasticsearch" rollout to finish: 4 of 5 updated pods are available...
    daemon set "fluentd-elasticsearch" successfully rolled out
  4. 查看 image 版本

    $ kubectl describe ds fluentd-elasticsearch -n kube-system
    Name:           fluentd-elasticsearch
    Selector:       name=fluentd-elasticsearch
    Node-Selector:  <none>
    Labels:         k8s-app=fluentd-logging
    Annotations:    deprecated.daemonset.template.generation: 2
    Desired Number of Nodes Scheduled: 5
    Current Number of Nodes Scheduled: 5
    Number of Nodes Scheduled with Up-to-date Pods: 5
    Number of Nodes Scheduled with Available Pods: 5
    Number of Nodes Misscheduled: 0
    Pods Status:  5 Running / 0 Waiting / 0 Succeeded / 0 Failed
    Pod Template:
      Labels:  name=fluentd-elasticsearch
        Image:      quay.io/fluentd_elasticsearch/fluentd:v4.3
        Port:       <none>
        Host Port:  <none>
          memory:  200Mi
          cpu:        100m
          memory:     200Mi
        Environment:  <none>
          /var/log from varlog (rw)
        Type:          HostPath (bare host directory volume)
        Path:          /var/log
      Type    Reason            Age    From                  Message
      ----    ------            ----   ----                  -------
      Normal  SuccessfulCreate  33m    daemonset-controller  Created pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-r6v22
      Normal  SuccessfulCreate  33m    daemonset-controller  Created pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-tftmd
      Normal  SuccessfulCreate  33m    daemonset-controller  Created pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-swp4z
      Normal  SuccessfulCreate  33m    daemonset-controller  Created pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-j8hq8
      Normal  SuccessfulCreate  33m    daemonset-controller  Created pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-psfkr
      Normal  SuccessfulDelete  11m    daemonset-controller  Deleted pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-j8hq8
      Normal  SuccessfulCreate  11m    daemonset-controller  Created pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-g6w9g
      Normal  SuccessfulDelete  5m46s  daemonset-controller  Deleted pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-tftmd
      Normal  SuccessfulCreate  5m43s  daemonset-controller  Created pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-68q7q
      Normal  SuccessfulDelete  5m14s  daemonset-controller  Deleted pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-psfkr
      Normal  SuccessfulCreate  5m11s  daemonset-controller  Created pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-9k47j
      Normal  SuccessfulDelete  4m26s  daemonset-controller  Deleted pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-r6v22
      Normal  SuccessfulCreate  4m8s   daemonset-controller  Created pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-kpjxx
      Normal  SuccessfulDelete  3m32s  daemonset-controller  Deleted pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-swp4z
      Normal  SuccessfulCreate  3m20s  daemonset-controller  Created pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-4kr9x
  1. 查看 revision 列表

    $ kubectl rollout history ds fluentd-elasticsearch -n kube-system
    1         <none>
    2         <none>

    因为在更新镜像时没有使用 --record 选项,因此没有 CHANGE-CAUSE 信息

  2. 回滚到上一个 revision

    $ kubectl rollout undo ds fluentd-elasticsearch -n kube-system
    daemonset.apps/fluentd-elasticsearch rolled back
  3. 查看镜像版本:

    $ kubectl describe ds fluentd-elasticsearch -n kube-system
    Name:           fluentd-elasticsearch
    Selector:       name=fluentd-elasticsearch
    Node-Selector:  <none>
    Labels:         k8s-app=fluentd-logging
    Annotations:    deprecated.daemonset.template.generation: 3
    Desired Number of Nodes Scheduled: 5
    Current Number of Nodes Scheduled: 5
    Number of Nodes Scheduled with Up-to-date Pods: 5
    Number of Nodes Scheduled with Available Pods: 5
    Number of Nodes Misscheduled: 0
    Pods Status:  5 Running / 0 Waiting / 0 Succeeded / 0 Failed
    Pod Template:
      Labels:  name=fluentd-elasticsearch
        Image:      quay.io/fluentd_elasticsearch/fluentd:v2.5.2
        Port:       <none>
        Host Port:  <none>
          memory:  200Mi
          cpu:        100m
          memory:     200Mi
        Environment:  <none>
          /var/log from varlog (rw)
        Type:          HostPath (bare host directory volume)
        Path:          /var/log
      Type    Reason            Age    From                  Message
      ----    ------            ----   ----                  -------
      Normal  SuccessfulCreate  36m    daemonset-controller  Created pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-r6v22
      Normal  SuccessfulCreate  36m    daemonset-controller  Created pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-tftmd
      Normal  SuccessfulCreate  36m    daemonset-controller  Created pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-swp4z
      Normal  SuccessfulCreate  36m    daemonset-controller  Created pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-j8hq8
      Normal  SuccessfulCreate  36m    daemonset-controller  Created pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-psfkr
      Normal  SuccessfulDelete  14m    daemonset-controller  Deleted pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-j8hq8
      Normal  SuccessfulCreate  14m    daemonset-controller  Created pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-g6w9g
      Normal  SuccessfulDelete  8m40s  daemonset-controller  Deleted pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-tftmd
      Normal  SuccessfulCreate  8m37s  daemonset-controller  Created pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-68q7q
      Normal  SuccessfulDelete  8m8s   daemonset-controller  Deleted pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-psfkr
      Normal  SuccessfulCreate  8m5s   daemonset-controller  Created pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-9k47j
      Normal  SuccessfulDelete  7m20s  daemonset-controller  Deleted pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-r6v22
      Normal  SuccessfulCreate  7m2s   daemonset-controller  Created pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-kpjxx
      Normal  SuccessfulDelete  6m26s  daemonset-controller  Deleted pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-swp4z
      Normal  SuccessfulCreate  6m14s  daemonset-controller  Created pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-4kr9x
      Normal  SuccessfulDelete  28s    daemonset-controller  Deleted pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-kpjxx
      Normal  SuccessfulCreate  26s    daemonset-controller  Created pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-ct4jk
      Normal  SuccessfulDelete  24s    daemonset-controller  Deleted pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-4kr9x
      Normal  SuccessfulCreate  21s    daemonset-controller  Created pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-xddqv
      Normal  SuccessfulDelete  19s    daemonset-controller  Deleted pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-g6w9g
      Normal  SuccessfulCreate  17s    daemonset-controller  Created pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-cz8q5
      Normal  SuccessfulDelete  15s    daemonset-controller  Deleted pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-9k47j
      Normal  SuccessfulCreate  12s    daemonset-controller  Created pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-hqqh9
      Normal  SuccessfulDelete  11s    daemonset-controller  (combined from similar events): Deleted pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-68q7q   
      Normal  SuccessfulCreate  9s     daemonset-controller  (combined from similar events): Created pod: fluentd-elasticsearch-wjrdb 
